All About Yes Healthy World

The Magic Of Our Mitochondria

Oct 11

These mitochondria, hidden deep within your body's cells are what convert food and oxygen into energy. There are hundreds to thousands of mitochondria in each cell, which is basically the cell's power station. Mitochondria each have their own DNA that is passed down from mother and child. Mitochondria are the genome of all cells, but they are often forgotten. Dr. Doug Wallace PhD was a pioneer in mitochondrial research and geneticist. He found that dysfunctional mitochondria is the root cause of at least 85% our current chronic diseases. When our mitochondria stop producing the necessary energy, it can cause a series of diseases including obesity, diabetes type 2, cancer, autoimmune disease, and Alzheimer's. It is possible to improve the health and longevity of many organs and systems by improving or maintaining your mitochondria's health.

Mitochondria are connected and disconnected in most cells. This creates a network that adapts to changing conditions. Mitochondria may fuse together, then divide again. The disruption of this fission fusion dynamic can cause health problems. Your genes are important, but so is your environment and behavior. Mitochondria is a critical player in the epigenetics (or the genetics) of the DNA. Although epigenetic changes cannot be reversed, they are not permanent. They can however alter the way your body interprets a DNA sequence. In other words, mitochondria are the software system for our hardware DNA.

Modern industrialization is a major contributor to stress on our mitochondria and ultimately, our gene expression. Humans are the only living species that has created artificial environments in the name progress and comfort. Our world is flooded with artificial light and radio waves, television signals, cell phones towers, 5G wifi, TV signals, and radio waves since Edison and Tesla. These new energies have a negative impact on our bodies and our epigenetics. It is the mitochondria that adapts to these environmental stressesors that keep us healthy. Simply put, healthy mitochondria = healthy person; unhealthy mitochondria = sickness/disease.

It's well-known that the amount of energy we have as we age is decreasing. We now know that mitochondria are responsible. Each decade, after thirty years of age we lose approximately 10% of our mitochondria. This is when some mitochondria in our cells become damaged or non-functional. Homoplasmy is a state where our mitochondria are in good health. Dr. Doug Wallace, PhD pioneered using human mitochondrialDNA to identify molecular markers. He also discovered that heteroplasmy rates were correlated with diseases. He discovered that mitochondria cannot be passed on from our mothers. His research led him into the creation of a "Mitochondrial Eve" and 23 & Me (and both use his work as a way to determine our ancestral genealogy.

Dr. Nick Lane PhD, University College London, stated in his monumental book "Power, Sex, Suicide. Mitochondria, The Meaning of Life", that increasing the number of mitochondria is key to a longer life span. He believes this could help to eliminate all the old-age diseases. Because mitochondria accumulate within organs and tissues that require a lot of energy, they are vital for muscles and the heart. While aging is complex, with many physical changes, scientists have made great scientific discoveries that provide a wealth of information about the reasons we age and how our cells change. Cellular health also plays a significant role in our ability to age. Recent evidence indicates that mitochondrial dysfunction is the main factor behind accelerated cellular-aging.

Mitochondria are also integral to fat loss. This is one principle of Liv24. By increasing your mitochondrial densities and tuning up your current mitochondria, we are dedicated to maximising mitochondrial health. We modify your epigenetics using light, controlled cold exposure and circadian biology to increase longevity and fat loss.



Doug Wallace PhD, Mitochondria. Understanding Disease, Chronic Infirmity, Aging, and Life Itself

Nick Lane, PhD, Power. Sex. Suicide. Mitochondria. The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging and Age-Related Disorders Effects of obesity and weight loss on mitochondrial structure and function and implications for colorectal cancer risk Mitochondrial aging and age-related dysfunction of mitochondria